일시: 12월 9일 (월), 18:30
장소: 샌프란시스코 시내 Union Square 인근 식당 (추후 공지)
참석 신청: https://forms.gle/hNwoaVuxCjwiuouC6 (12월 3일 신청 마감)
참석 대상: Current Ph.D. candidates and Post-Docs interested in seeking faculty position at KAIST School of Electrical Engineering. School of Electrical Engineering is composed of 6 divisions: device, circuit, signal, communications, wave, and computing. We hire faculty members from diverse backgrounds - for example, current faculty members hold degrees in mathematics, computer science, physics, and chemistry.
For those who are interested in the hiring process but cannot attend the dinner, please direct your questions and send your CV to hyunjoo.lee@kaist.ac.kr.
많은 참석 부탁드립니다.
교내 이벤트가 업데이트되는 페이지입니다.
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서울대 화학부 현지 설명회