일시: 1월 24일 (금), 12:00 ~ 13:15
장소: Philippines Conference Room (3F), Encina Hall Central
강연자: Victor Cha (2019-20 Koret Fellow, APARC; Professor, Georgetown University)
참석 신청: https://aparc.fsi.stanford.edu/events/binary-choices-us-china-strategic-competition-and-korean-peninsula (1월 22일 오후 5시 마감)
내용: U.S.-China relations have evolved from past templates of "responsible stakeholder" and "G2" to new ones emphasizing strategic competition. What is the impact of this competition for broader stability in East Asia? How does the ongoing U.S.-China trade war impact U.S. allies in Asia? In particular, how does strategic competition between these two power affect the choices of key allied states like Korea? Professor Cha will present some research-in-progress on these topics that seeks a broader conceptualization of the costs and benefits behind the latest turn in U.S.-China relations.
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